Prof. Toshihisa Shimizu |
报告人简介:Prof. Toshihisa Shimizu graduated from Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo, Japan, and received his B.E., M.E. and Dr.Eng. degrees all in electrical engineering from the same university in 1978, 1980, and 1991, respectively. In 1998, he has been a visiting professor at VPEC, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Virginia, USA.
In 1980, he joined Fuji Electric Corporate Research and Development Ltd, as a research engineer. Since 1993, he joined Tokyo Metropolitan University, Department of Electrical Engineering, as an associate Professor, and now a full professor in the same university. He has been served as a vice dean of school of Science and Technology from 2009 to 2013, a vice dean of school of System Design in 2018 in the same university, respectively, and served as an vice president of the same university from 2019 to2021. He retired from TMU on March 31, 2022, and now a speciaaly appointed professor and professor emeritus. He is also serving as a visiting researcher of Advanced Institute of Science and Technology in Japan, a technical advisor of intellectual property high-court of Japan, and a chairman of grant committee in Tokyo Metropolitan Small and Medium Enterprise Support Center, etc. His research interests include high power density converters, characterization of the magnetic materials applied to power converters, high frequency inverters, photovoltaic power generations, EMI filter design in power converters, etc. He published more than 90 journal papers, 400 regional and international conference proceedings, and 5 technical books. He also holds more than 30 patents and 50 patent pending. He honored several national research grants, and has been conducted research projects with more than 30 industrial companies which include, Nippon Chemikon, Honda Motors, Toyota Motors, Denso, Fuji Electric, Iwatsu Coorporation, LG Electronics, Hitachi Marerials, Mitsubishi Materials, Toho Zinc, Kawasaki Heavy Industry, Apls Alpine, etc. Dr. Shimizu has received transactions paper awards from the IEEJ in 1999, 2010 and 2016, two first prise paper awards at IPEC2010 -ECCE Asia-, best paper award at EPE-PEMC2010, first prise paper award at IPEC2014 ECCE-Asia, first prise paper awards at IEEE ECCE2015, ECCE2016, ECCE2017, ans second prise paper award at ICPE2019 -ECCE Asia-. He was honored more than 10 awards including outstanding achievement award and special activity award, and awarded 5 awards from IEEE Power Electronics Society and industrial organizations in Japan. Dr. Shimizu has been actively involved with IEEE PELS, serving as an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions, IEEE PELS Japan Chapter Chairperson, a member of PELS Technical Committee, a Chair of ECCE Asia Coordinating Committee, and also served as a Member at Large of IEEE PELS board committee. He is also serving as an Asian Liaison of IEEE IAS Industrial Power Converter Committee. He has been served as a President, Vice President, International Chair, board member of IEEJ IA society, and now serving as a Vice President of Standardization Committee of IEEJ headquarter. From 2016 to 2018, he is serving again as a president of IEEJ IA Society. He has been served as a Regional Chief Member in Japan for IEC CISPR-B Committee. He has been served as a Technical Program Chair of IPEC2005, Steering Chair of IPEC2014 ECCE-Asia, General Chair of IPEC2018, and Technical and Organizing Committee Member of numerous IEEE International and Regional Conferences. Prof. Shimizu is Fellow Member of IEEJ and Fellow Member of IEEE. |
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