

Prof. Liuchen Chang
报告题目:Power Electronic Technologies for Distributed Energy Resources


报告人简介:Liuchen Chang received B.S.E.E. from Northern Jiaotong University in 1982, M.Sc. from China Academy of Railway Sciences in 1984, and Ph.D. from Queen’ University in 1991. He joined the University of New Brunswick in 1992 and is now a Professor Emeritus. He was the NSERC Chair in Environmental Design Engineering during 2001-2007, and the Principal Investigator of Canadian Wind Energy Strategic Network (WESNet) during 2008-2014. He is a long-time volunteer for IEEE of 30 years and is the President of the IEEE Power Electronics Society.
Dr. Chang was a recipient of CanWEA Templin Award for his contributions in the development of wind energy technologies, Innovation Award for Excellence in Applied Research in New Brunswick for his contributions in smart grid and renewable energy technologies, and PELS Sustainable Energy Systems Technical Achievement Award for his contributions in distributed energy systems. He is a fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering. He has published more than 400 refereed papers in journals and conference proceedings. Dr. Chang has focused on research, development, demonstration and deployment (RDDD) of distributed energy systems.

  • 论文初稿提交截止时间

    ( 2022年6月30日 2022年7月25日 )

  • 工业报告征集截止时间

    ( 2022年7月15日 2022年7月30日 )

  • 专题讲座征集截时间

    ( 2022年7月30日 2022年8月15日 )

  • 论文录用通知时间

    ( 2022年8月15日 )

  • 论文终稿提交时间

    ( 2022年9月15日 )

  • 报名系统开放时间

    ( 2022年8月16日 )

  • 大会时间

    ( 2022年11月4-7日 )